The Sanskrit/Tibetan Symbol of OM

Other links you may find useful

Ardoch Youth Foundation
198 St Kilda Road
St Kilda VIC 3182
Tel: 03 9537 2414
Making Education a Reality: Imagine going to school hungry because you haven’t eaten breakfast, or missing out on your school excursion because your parents can’t afford to send you. Imagine struggling with reading or spelling but not having anyone at home to help you, or feeling left out because you don’t have the stationery in your school bag that all your school friends have. This is the unjust reality for many children from disadvantaged families in Australia – and for many, this can mean the difference between learning or falling behind.

Parliament of the World’s Religions
70 East Lake St, Suite 205, Chicago, IL 60601 USA
Telephone 312-629-2990
We live in a world of difference. Yet, we are interdependent. Nowhere is learning to live with difference more important than religion. Too often, religion is misused as an instrument for division and injustice, betraying core ideals and teachings that lie at the heart of each of the world’s great traditions. At the same time, religious and spiritual traditions shape the lives of billions in wise and wonderful ways.

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
Footscray VIC 3011
214-218 Nicholson Street
Tel: 03 9326 6066
Dandenong VIC 3175
179 Lonsdale Street
Tel: 03 8772 1380
All people seeking asylum should have their human rights upheld and receive support and opportunities needed to live independently.
The ASRC is a place where people are made to feel welcome, safe and supported since 2001. Beautiful, exotic smells emanate from ASRC community lunches every weekday surrounded by rich mosaic of sounds and languages from across our globe.

Koorie Heritage Trust
Lvels 1 and 3, The Yarra Building, Federation Square, Cnr Flinders & Swanston Sts, Melbourne VIC 3000
Tel: 8662 6300
Gnokan Danna Murra Kor-ki (give me your hand my friend)
The logo’s clasped black and white hands reflect our belief that, through education and promotion, we can raise awareness and appreciation of the cultural diversity of Koorie culture and work towards the broader goal of reconciliation for all Australians.
KHT Values: Respect, Honesty, Reciprocity, Curiosity

These references are included as an expression of gratitude by this teacher of this tradition, and to all teachers past, present and future. They are enablers for us now. This reference is offered as a sign of respect, personal gratitude and not of implied personal endorsement.

Since Wednesday 25 March 2020 until further notice, adhering to evolving Victoria Government's guidelines means service offerings requiring physical presence has ceased for now. Services that can be done with social distancing or remotely still available, via telephone or over internet using pre-recorded lessons or live-streaming through Aps such as FaceTime or Zoom. Or try some self-guided reflections at your own place in a time that suits you.

Self-Guided Reflections

For those experiencing home-isolation and who may not have a meditation practice yet. These self-contained self-guided meditations uses publicly available material. A curation made possible by very skilful individuals, collaborators and teams sharing their wisdom, skill and spirit generously, received with gratitude.

Challenge Reflections
Skill Level: Beginners
01 | Best place to be for a long time
02 | Colourful nature of truth
03 | Gender of Wisdom Compassion and Generosity

Subscribe for more

Theme Round-Ups
Skill Level: Intermediates-Advanced
01 | Addressing - Depression Repression Suppression Oppression Expression
02 | Collectively - Assembly Anthem Transcend
03 | Comparing - Repository Depository Suppository
Subscribe for more


Resist our tendency to take things personally. Come and try meditation on a regular basis.

Meditation benefits us by allowing us to see the disturbances that prevent us from experiencing mind’s natural joy and fearlessness. Hear the origins of the methods, ask and have questions answered and practise mindful meditations.

Each session contains a talk, Q&A and meditation.

Come by yourself or make a class of friends at a convenient time.

Practising since 1997, carey teaches meditation that provides access for all ages, body types and understanding level.

Program Particulars
Venues: The studio or your place will need to have a peaceful, clean, well-ventilated space. Or go natural and find a park (weather permitting).
Dates: Have a trial session then commit for discount to:
• Weekly x 5 weeks
• Weekly x 10 weeks.
Investment: price tailored to your needs.
Enrol: 0438 371 488, Email: To make contact via email, this address needs to be entered manually into the recipient's field of your email message

Download the flyer to email around to your colleagues to see if they are interested here or by clicking the icon at right

click for meditation@work


The workplace can be a stressful environment - simple tasks seem to escalate into Wagnerian operas and the working hours seem to go on. And on. And on. And on. Would you or your workplace be looking for ways to reduce stress and improve staff well-being?

Yoga benefits us by stretching our minds through stretching our bodies. This allows us to run the ‘now’ instead of the ‘now’ running us. Increase workplace health and well-being regularly in a non-competitive fun way!

Practising since 1997, Carey teaches yoga that provides access for all ages, body types and fitness level. Make up a class of staff (physically at your premises) or online via Zoom.

Choose your starting positions:
Suitable for all body types and fitness level
-- Light: 30mins program, done at your place, focuses on poses useful for the time-short and desk-bound
-- Eager: 60mins program, done at your place or Online. Utilises whole body focus without props
-- Keen: 90mins program, done before or after work. Utilises whole body with props for ease of access

General considerations:
-- Any exercise is best not done immediately after eating. With yoga, we recommend 3 hours after a heavy meal or 2 hours after a light meal. (Any exercise diverts the body's attention away from digestion.)
-- It is useful to have mats for yoga. The mats allow us to reference our bodies in a defined space that stays constant for every class. The mats will be supplied complimentary for the trial class, however it will be useful long term for the Light and Eager participants to provide their own mats. Participants of the Keen option will have all props supplied.
-- An Eager class would benefit from having a clear space that allows about 1.5m2 for each person. If needing to make-ready a space, allow an extra 10 mins either side of class time for set down and set up of the space.

Employer contribution:
It is increasingly common for employers to embrace complementary approaches to maximise long term staff wellbeing and workplace health. Depending on the employer's individual capacity, they are able to co-subsidise classes through a number of commitment levels:
-- Time only (allow 30-60mins of usual work time for the yoga class to take place, for example a workplace that usually starts at 8.30am might commence yoga at 8.00am to finish at 9.00am, or a workplace that usually finishes at 5.30pm might commence yoga at 4.30pm to finish at 5.30pm)
-- Money only (class occurs outside of work hours but the employer contributes to the fees)
-- Workplace only (class occurs outside of work hours but the employer provides facilities)
-- Props only (class occurs outside of work hours but the employer contributes to the cost of the props)
-- Time and money (blend of above four approaches).

Program Particulars
Venues: Your workplace will need to have a peaceful, clean, well-ventilated space to allow approx 1.5m2 per person and clear access to at least one wall. Or go natural and find a park (weather permitting).
Dates: Have a trial session then commit for discount to:
• Weekly x 5 weeks
• Weekly x 10 weeks.
Investment: price tailored to your needs, minimum of 5 people for workplace class, or come individually to existing class (contact for more details).
Enrol: 0438 371 488, Email: To make contact via email, this address needs to be entered manually into the recipient's field of your email message

Download the flyer to email around to your colleagues to see if they are interested here or by clicking the icon at right

click for yoga@work

Showing Me Group Bookings (min 5 people)

Our ‘Me’ is the container where we store our individual suffering. Embark on a two module journey to the inner self. Be introduced to some of the understandings that allow us to obtain greater happiness in this lifetime, right now. Designed for those open to learning something new about themselves in an old way.

Your Navigator
Practising since 1997, Carey teaches for all ages, body types and educational level. Experience his passion for living and eagerness to share skillful tools available to all of us. Learn more about him by clicking here.

Intimate Instruction
In the small class setting, students will be guided through simple interactive sessions designed to reveal our natural inner state of compassion and wisdom.

Course Curriculum
Module 01 Introduction to the many conversations that take place in our ‘Me’ on a moment by moment basis. Exercises and discussion.
Module 02 Use what we learn to collaborate on tasty solutions, creative exercises and flowing discussion.

Venue: To be advised.
Dates: 4-6pm, Module 01: Day One and
4-6pm, Module 02: Day Two
price tailored to your needs and includes refreshments. Rebate for yoga or meditation students, couples/close friends attending together or those enduring financial hardship.
Enrol: Caro Way, 0438 371 488,
Email: To make contact via email, this address needs to be entered manually into the recipient's field of your email message

Like something else?

If the above is not of interest, email requests. Alternatively, visit this page regularly for updates.

This page is current at 28/12/22

with Ayurveda
with Yoga
with Meditation
to come