The Sanskrit/Tibetan Symbol of OM

Yogacharya B.K.S.Iyengar developed a style of teaching yoga that became known by others as Iyengar Yoga,

This reference is included as an expression of gratitude to this teacher of this tradition, and to all teachers past and present. They are interpreters for us who come after. This reference is offered as a sign of respect, personal gratitude and not of implied personal endorsement.

The busyness of everyday living helps distract us from what is really going on.

Sometimes we know we are unhappy but don’t know what to fix or the things we’ve tried have brought limited success. Sometimes we don’t even know we are unhappy as long as we keep busy, over-committed or over-caffeinated. Sometimes it is everyone else’s fault so its ‘up to them and not my job’.

Whatever the situation, usually our attention is only drawn to the severity of the stress after our body has reacted or broken down. From any starting point, yoga allows us to work from deficit to stability, then from stability to surplus.

Yoga as taught at Caro Way is a Hatha (action or body) approach that is joined with Buddhist view. It is a style that can be enjoyed by all ages, body types and genders. Each class contains a sequence of poses (asanas). Every pose and every class has multiple levels of difficulty with an emphasis of finding and working within your individual capacity! By keeping the body engaged mindfully, the mind learns to focus and inhabit the body in an increasingly satisfying way.

B.K.S. Iyengar has described yoga as ‘research-based experience’ and ‘experience-based research’ and developed techniques that became known as Iyengar Yoga. The use of props, designed by B.K.S. Iyengar, such as wooden gadgets, belts and ropes help the practitioner strive for deeper understanding of any asana. While this style of yoga is what Carey has practised for many years, Caro Way classes include Buddhist understandings.

Free actions from suffering. Understand how to focus and navigate through/by/with disturbances to make a better cause and effect.

When it's the right time to share yoga, more information can be found by coming home to yoga@work (your place) or Caro Way yoga@way.

with Ayurveda
with Yoga
with Meditation
to come